A brief note from Conception Chile where we are having problems getting through on this e-mail
Bikes finally arrived three days late and now we are forced to ride, ride, ride for 12 days straight to get back on track. We, along with droves of others, have decided to take things in our own hands and were practical and possible jump ahead. Today we commandeered a pick up truck and jumped ahead to Conception, Chile.
The last three days have been interesting! First night we slept in a dust bowl but had a great meal along with some super entertainment, next night was a Catholic University on some grass in a place called Tulca and last night on grass around a swimming pool on Conquese. Ate dinner standing or sitting on the grass and we were awakened to the sound of rain falling on our tent, new experience packing your bags and tent while it is pouring (definitely no fun) After eating breakfast of runny eggs and wet bread in the rain decided a truck ride to Conception was in order.
Our plans call for us to ride the next 6 or 7 days then jump ahead to Argentina where we may do some sight seeing. There have been many who have decided to move forward as necessary to keep their sanity and to enjoy the beautiful people and country. Hard to get a true feeling for Chile when you are putting in 100 mile days on Highway 5, that is to say the least, a truckers speedway. Thank God for our 150+ km police escort out of Santiago.
We all hope Tim Kneeland has his plane problems figured out as it is getting a little unsettling to have the problems associated with too much stuff and not enough airplane. Everyone is holding our breath on the South Africa leg.
Will drop a note from Argentina if we can get access.
Love to all,
Dave & Mary